FEES Courses

In-person and virtual FEES training courses for speech-language 
pathologists and physicians around the world.

The Foundation Course

The Foundation course is a 2-day in-person basic course aimed at a range of clinicians: from those with no experience to those who are currently using FEES. The faculty is made up of myself and/or other experienced speech-language pathologists who teach the course. We may have guest lecturers in pediatrics or otolaryngology. The participants are mainly SLPs who have experience performing modified barium swallow studies and are ready to add FEES to their daily practice.  Some physicians attend who are interested in adding FEES to their practice; they often come as an SLP-MD team. Some graduate students are also in attendance.

The first day of the course covers the basics of FEES, from understanding swallowing as seen endoscopically, through the evaluation protocols, to scoring examinations, and finally to using endoscopy as a treatment tool. On the second day of the course, case studies are presented for practice scoring and we cover administrative issues to help you set up a FEES program and bill for your work.  Along with every lecture are abundant video clips to aid understanding. An extremely valuable part of the course is the 4 hours of hands-on training time where the participant will have practice passing the scope under direct mentorship of an experienced speech pathologist.  We guarantee each participant at least 5 mentored passings of the laryngoscope, so that an initial level of comfort and skill can be attained.

The cost for registration, including materials, breakfast, and lunch, is $600/person. If 2 or more people from the same institution attend, a reduced rate will be applied. Further discounts are offered if 3 or more persons from the same institution apply. 

To learn more or register for a course, click here!

Langmore Advanced FEES Course

This course is intended for clinicians who have been performing FEES exams independently for 6+ months and who want to learn the latest updates in protocols, scoring, and interpretation of FEES exams.  A review of scoping techniques to achieve optimal view will be illustrated and participants will be able to practice scoring recorded FEES to sharpen their skills and to calibrate their scoring with other participants and with Dr Langmore.   Case studies will be presented along with management recommendations.

For more information pertaining to the Advanced FEES Course, please click here to contact us

Please note: Due to safety concerns regarding travel, meetings, and use of endoscopy during the COVID pandemic, we have decided to suspend in-person courses until we can ensure the health and safety of our attendees and instructors, and by extension the health and safety of their friends, family, colleagues, and patients.  We hope to resume in-person courses by January 2022, and in the interim, we are offering effective remote training opportunities.  Thank you for your continued interest in Langmore FEES Courses and we hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy during these difficult times.

Upcoming Live & Virtual FEES Course

Stanford/Langmore FEES Course January 26-27, 2024

We are pleased to announce a FEES course to be held in person at Stanford in Palo Alto, CA Jan 26-28, 2023. This course will be hosted by Stanford and will include most of the faculty who teach our Langmore Foundation FEES courses. It will be comparable in content to our virtual courses, but this course will be LIVE with the option to take it virtually instead if that fits your needs! Click HERE to register for this special FEES course.

Please note that the times below are in Pacific Standard Time (PST).

Date & Time of the Live Course at Stanford in January.

Jan. 26-28, 2024:

Jan. 26: 9:55am – 6:15pm 

Jan. 27: 8:00am – 6:15pm


The course is broken up into two days, consisting of 30-90 minute lectures and panels with a 4 hour “hands-on” session on 1/27. For a full agenda please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stanfordlangmore-fees-course-2024-tickets-738243485137?aff=oddtdtcreator

$300 – $475 per person

Registration must be made by January 19, 2024.
NO refund will be given after this date.
Cancellation/Refund Policy: Registration, less 20% administrative charge, is refundable if written cancellation is received up to one week (7 days) prior to the conference (1/19/24).
We reserve the right to cancel or change the program for due cause. Cancellation by Stanford will result in a full refund of registration.
Registration is limited. Sorry, we cannot accommodate on-site registration with this type of format. Registration will close if room capacity is reached. Hands-on lab is limited to 50

Sample Day of a FEES Foundation Course

  • Day One

  • 8:00am

    Check-in & continental breakfast (baked goods, fruit, coffee)

  • 8:30am

    Anatomy and the normal swallow: what can be seen endoscopically and fluoroscopically

  • 9:30am

    Indications for a FEES exam vs. a fluoroscopy exam

  • 10:00am


  • 10:15am

    The FEES Protocols: Standard protocol and Ice chip protocol, FEESST protocol.

  • 11:30am

    Scoring the FEES exam 1

  • 12:30pm

    Lunch (provided)

  • 1:30pm

    Scoring the FEES exam 2

  • 3:30pm


  • 2:30pm


  • 3:45pm

    Practice scoring the FEES exam

  • 5:45pm


  • Day Two

  • 7:15am

    Check-in & continental breakfast (baked goods, fruit, coffee)

  • 7:45am

    Hands-on mentored practice: passing the endoscope on other participants

  • 12:00pm

    Lunch (provided) in the BU School of Medicine

  • 1:00pm

    Implementing FEES in your setting: training, billing, risk/safety issues

  • 2:00pm

    Unexpected findings

  • 2:15pm


  • 2:30pm

    Treatment strategies: Using FEES to Guide Treatment

  • 3:45pm

    Wrap-up / Final Questions

Sample Day of an Advanced FEES Course

  • 8:00am

    Sign-in and Breakfast (provided)

  • 8:30am

    Introduction: sharing experiences, research updates

  • 9:15am

    Protocols: Updates

  • 10:15am


  • 10:30am

    Scoring FEES exams; updates and review

  • 12:00pm

    Lunch (provided)

  • 1:00pm

    Review of scoping techniques; technical issues

  • 2:00pm

    Practice scoring

  • 2:30pm


  • 2:45pm

    Treatment considerations

  • 4:00pm

    Use of FEES across settings/case studies

  • 5:00pm

    Summary, questions

  • 5:30pm


Find a FEES course near you

FEES course at Boston Medical Center

You can attend a Foundation FEES course at Boston Medical Center where you pay a registration fee of $600 and we do all the work. 
An Advanced FEES course is $350.

Registration and more information are available by contacting Gintas Krisciunas at gintas@bu.edu or by going to our partner website.

FEES Courses in California

We are happy to announce that Langmore FEES courses have expanded to California. Dr Langmore is joined by experienced speech language pathologists from Stanford, and DVA, San Francisco, who have all used and taught FEES for many years. 

FEES course at your site

If you are interested in having a LangmoreFEES course at your site, please contact Susan Langmore at langmore@bu.edu. The fee for this will depend on how many instructors/mentors you want, the number of participants, how much preparation you need help with, and the cost for traveling to your site. We can provide a Foundation or Advanced course, or a hybrid, depending on your needs.  

For information on these and other FEES courses, please go to our partner website.